Day 2 – Half Moon Nails

I haven’t done half moon nails in a long time. I wonder why.. Hmm..
Today I topped off Calypso Gold with a Splash polish that I have, Splash 10 to be exact. 10 is a rich bold red creme polish but upon application 10 seemed like it is a jelly. Weird right? I only needed 2 coats of it to cover up Calypso Gold though.
One thing I found facinating about 10 is that although it has fully covered Calypso Gold the shimmer from Calypso Gold could still shine through it!
Gorgeous or what?!

Saran Wrapped!

I’m back with the mani I did yesterday! Which means – I did not screw up! Haha
I have been seeing the saran-wrap (cling-wrap) marbling around quite a bit recently. To be honest, I tried it a few times and it wasn’t pretty – literally. But when I receive two polishes from Faces of Australia (Calypso Gold and Let’s Go Scuba Diving) from Faces of Australia.from a swap recently, I knew that I had to try it again! The two polishes look gorgeous next to each other I am sure they would look good together!

There are two ways to do the saran-wrap marble. The first is to paint the base color and paint the secondary color on after the base color has dried. before the second color has time to dry, quickly dab the saran-wrap on the nail, picking up the second layer of polish as you go.

This is what that looked like:

I liked it but I did not love it. I found that Calypso Gold covered up too much of the teal below. So method 2 it is!

This time I just blobbed a dot of Calypso Gold on some paper and use a scrunched up foil and pick up some polish and stamped it on my nails. This I liked better so I continued on all my nails 🙂

I tried taking some sun shots but somehow the sun was hiding the gold accents on my nails.

Until I turned around and had my back to the sun, this is what I managed to capture!

Foil-y Goodness! 😀

Turquoise Beauty

Winter is almost here! It’s time for me to bust out those metallics and cool winter hues!
Today I have Face of Australia’s Let’s Go Scuba Diving for you. The name is soo not winter friendly but the color sure is! It’s a nice metallic turquoise color with very subtle silver shimmer in it.

I am not too sure but this sure looks a lot like essence Choose Me! Probably a tad lighter and not as foil-like. I find that this color really complements my skin tone. It makes my hand look much fairer too!

I have plans for this mani! If all goes well I will have it up soon 🙂
Wish me luck!